Fascination Sobre unable to use or get consistent benefit from Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Fascination Sobre unable to use or get consistent benefit from Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

Blog Article

The small Inspire® implant delivers gentle pulses to your airway muscles to keep your airway open so you can breathe regularly and sleep soundly.

That’s why it is so important to find CPAP solutions that work with you, so you can stick with your treatment plan, even if you experience a few setbacks here and there.

Audra likes to write about all things related to behavioral health and physical wellness. Outside of her work, she enjoys landscape painting, learning new languages, traveling, and spending time with her partner.

It’s also worth noting that it’s much more convenient to pack an oral appliance for travel than to try to lug your CPAP device along with you. This may be another factor in favor of oral appliance therapy.

If you’ve tried and tried to acclimate to your CPAP mask to no avail, it may be time to consider oral appliance therapy. With this method, patients wear an appliance that looks and feels similar to an athletic mouthguard while they sleep.

When your airway is blocked you get less oxygen to your brain, triggering you to wake up to take a breath. This cycle happens repeatedly, preventing quality sleep.

Learn how to set up your Inspire® app and connect it with your doctor's office, so you can share data with your doctor.

In some conditions, the CPAP mask itself can interfere with sleep. In such cases, patients can turn to oral check here appliance therapy for an option that’s more user friendly.

If you find that the mask that felt right during your fitting is uncomfortable after a few nights, or that it’s difficult to adjust, contact your sleep medicine doctor or the medical equipment provider. You may need advice on adjusting or a different style of mask.

Use a Heated Humidifier: A heated humidifier makes CPAP therapy more comfortable, provides moisture to your sinuses, and increases the effectiveness of your sleep apnea treatment.

Long-term safety and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of sleep disordered breathing: a meta-analysis.

If you are a current Inspire therapy user with a question or concern about your Inspire therapy, need an Inspire therapy identification card, or need to order a new Inspire Remote please email contact Patient Services at 844-672-6720, or email [email protected].

Despite the less than optimal adherence to CPAP therapy, most studies evaluating methods to improve CPAP adherence have been focused on patients that are newly initiated to CPAP therapy. There have been relatively few studies evaluating interventions to improve CPAP compliance in patients who are having difficulty with, or are intolerant to, CPAP therapy. Clinical experience and data from clinical trials demonstrate that clinicians should address common problems such as poor mask fit, excessive leak, adjustments in humidification, and assuring proper treatment settings prior to discontinuing CPAP therapy.

The latest clearance comes less than a year after the FDA granted Vivos 510(k) clearance for the DNA oral appliance to treat mild to moderate OSA.

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